使用PC3000解锁希捷Seagate F3固件区加密硬盘
What is the problem?
Seagate加密驱动器几乎阻止了所有的techno命令。例如,小型号1ER162,1ER1624和1ER166的Greanada驱动器输入任何终端命令都回复“Diagnostic Port Locked”。所以你无法构建磁头位图,读取和修复sys文件等
Self-Encrypting drives is blocking almost all techno commands. For
example, Greanada drives with part numbers 1ER162,1ER1624 and 1ER166
reply “Diagnostic Port Locked” to any terminal command. So you can’t
build headmap, read and fix sys files etc.
What is the solution?
made a special addition to ROM which is able to catch the control and
unlock techno mode at moment of running microcode from surface.
Unlocking is performed in two stages with a simple press of button
Stage 1. Preparation of the drive: ROM patch 阶段2.解锁驱动器:发送一个特殊的会话密钥
Stage 2. Unlocking the drive: sending a special session key 第一个按钮(Tech
mode unlocking preparation,
Grenada”)通过启动代码保存ROM,修改它并将修改后的写回HDD。第二个按钮(“Unclock Tech, drive prepared
by utility”)在终端命令终止后,发送一个特殊命令来解锁techno模式。
First button (“Tech mode
unlocking preparation, Grenada”) save the ROM via boot code , modify it
and write modified image back to HDD. Second button (“Unclock Tech,
drive prepared by utility”) send a special command to unlock techno
mode. After that terminal commands become working:
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